
Teams 1 2 3 4 F
Normandy 8 1 4 4 17
Jennings 21 21 24 11 77

Season records
School Overall % PF PA Off Def League Lg % Lg PF Lg PA Lg Off Lg Def
Normandy 0-19 0.00 306 1199 16.11 63.11 0-4 0.00 52 225 13.00 56.25
Jennings 21-6 0.78 1614 1313 59.78 48.63 4-1 0.80 319 198 63.80 39.60

Normandy offensive statistics
12 Zoe Graham 00-0-0-0-0-0-0-1.0
4 Jackson 20-0-0-0-0-0-2-2100.0
24 Jordan 10-0-0-0-0-0-1-425.0
34 Lampkin 20-0-0-0-0-0-2-450.0
42 Maton 51-0-1-0-0-0-3-650.0
22 Staten 21-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-
50 Wynn 52-0-2-0-0-0-1-250.0
Totals 174-0-4-0-0-0-9-1947.4
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Normandy defense statistics
12 Zoe Graham 00000003
4 Jackson 00000003
24 Jordan 00000004
42 Maton 00000003
22 Staten 00000003
50 Wynn 00000004
Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
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Jennings offensive statistics
4 Cyerra Caldwell 104-850.03-650.01-250.01-250.0
23 Jayla Gary 165-1435.75-1241.70-2.06-875.0
20 Rian Logan 207-1450.06-1154.51-333.35-862.5
0 Payton Robinson 00-3-0-0-0-3.00-0-
21 Marcia Samuel 115-1050.05-955.60-1.01-250.0
22 Mona Samuel 165-1729.45-1729.40-0-6-875.0
32 Sherrell Sherman 20-3-0-3.00-0-2-450.0
10 Shania Thornton 21-520.01-250.00-3.00-0-
Totals 7727-7436.525-6041.72-1414.321-3265.6
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Jennings defense statistics
4 Cyerra Caldwell 20211501
23 Jayla Gary 32185400
20 Rian Logan 85303002
0 Payton Robinson 42200000
21 Marcia Samuel 43102202
22 Mona Samuel 1512318605
32 Sherrell Sherman 32111115
10 Shania Thornton 20222002
Totals 41 26 15 13 22 18 1 17
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