Timberland Wolves
559 East Hwy. N
Wentzville, MO 63385

Conference goalie statistics - overall
Pat Ampleman, Duchesne1048842.643440231.7673.760
0Brennan Clark, Holt280120.33321161.7131.838
0Brett Davis, Warrenton15859110.450871281.41203.879
1Don Gesell, St. Charles West90020.00000032.674.571
20Gregory Harris, St. Charles West240120.33311031.0030.909
1Patrick Holm, St. Charles West12780160.000000644.01115.642
3Eddie Josephson, St. Charles1201001.0002110.0091.000
Chris Kalicak, Duchesne1102543.542440161.1676.826
0Danny Magnin, Holt443240.333000132.3550.794
0Ryan McGuire, Timberland17528123.413422482.19188.797
0Eric Mossotti, Fort Zumwalt North9511112.143110352.94133.792
8John Patrico, St. Charles1038571.423101322.47109.773
0Thomas Russel, Warrenton4156001.0004314.7725.862
1Joe Sausto, Holt1060742.615431211.58111.841
1Jason Taylor, Timberland323030.000202184.4628.609
1Joe Theobald, Fort Zumwalt North830250.286110282.70132.825
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Conference scoring statistics - overall
11Elvir Ademovic, St. Charles01241500000
19Patrick Ahlert, Fort Zumwalt North30110200000
10Kevin Alberts, St. Charles23280100030
9Adam Alcorn, Timberland1954142000010
6Kevin Allen, St. Charles West10000010000
Pat Allman, Duchesne01130000000
12Chris Aman, Timberland10000000000
5Greg Baker, Duchesne51350200000
24Steve Bartek, Holt32150000000
2Joe Bill, Fort Zumwalt North30000600000
22Pat Bloomberg, Holt10000000000
4Dan Bollwerk, Holt10000000000
5Matt Brauss, Timberland50000000000
7Zach Brendel, Timberland28261001300020
12Sean Breneman, Duchesne951111000022
17Tony Carlo, Fort Zumwalt North10220300000
10Jean Pierre Cavalie, Fort Zumwalt North00000200000
17Robby Coe, Timberland42150100000
7Sean Corbett, Holt00110000000
5Alex Dallvis, Holt10000000000
21Ian Darnell, St. Charles00000100000
13Paul Diller, Warrenton63170000000
5Daniel Dreyer, Warrenton41020000000
21Brandon Durk, Duchesne191413412600000
9Adam Dwiggins, St. Charles372160400000
9Josh Echele, St. Charles West10110000000
24Matthew Engel, St. Charles West01130000000
4Dan Erickson, Fort Zumwalt North00000200000
20Bryan Fahs, Holt1394223000030
10Jarid Faulkerson, Holt25111232200027
16Zach Fine, Holt1483192000000
7Tommy Foote, St. Charles00000000010
4Paul Frauen, St. Charles West13170000000
6Alex Garcia, Warrenton3568202000000
16Matt Gillardi, Timberland00000100000
OWN GOAL, St. Charles01021000000
17Alioune Gueye, St. Charles West00110000000
9Rob Hackman, Fort Zumwalt North00000100000
9Connor Halpin, Holt31130100010
3Ryan Hambach, Warrenton2174181000000
24Rudy Harper, St. Charles291191500000
20Gregory Harris, St. Charles West20330000000
15Joe Harris, Duchesne21130200000
14Stephen Hertel, Warrenton20220000000
1Patrick Holm, St. Charles West00110000010
16Tom Horn, Duchesne11130000000
22Mark Houchins, Fort Zumwalt North1361130600000
19George Houle, St. Charles01020000000
2Tyler Hozie, St. Charles10000000000
18Ben Huffman, Holt00110000000
18Trieu Hung, Warrenton635111000000
8Owen Hussein, Fort Zumwalt North51460500140
10Greg Ilgenfritz, St. Charles West10000000000
3Guy Ilgenfritz, St. Charles West00110000000
3Mike Johnson, Duchesne00220200000
13Luke Kauffmann, St. Charles West11020000000
14Andrew Keller, Timberland31020110000
7Tommy Kircher, St. Charles West13060050000
19Kris Kirn, Timberland1826101200000
17A. J. Klein, Holt10220100000
13Jake Knaust, Fort Zumwalt North62040000000
5Kory Kohlmann, St. Charles12040000000
22Kyle Kostos, Timberland91020200000
10Josh Lanier, Timberland21021000000
11Tony Larson, Holt02150000010
6Huy Le, St. Charles00000200000
21Tony Lee, Timberland141240700000
6Brad Leonard, Timberland1735110900000
3Collin Liliensiek, Timberland41131200000
15Josh Linton, Holt00220000010
14Dan Manning, Duchesne01020400000
18A.J. Mertz, Timberland602074722000020
13Andrew Merz, Timberland24682001900010
10Gerardo Mora, Warrenton29115275000000
4Dustin Mueller, Timberland11351200000
7Dan Muesenfechter, Fort Zumwalt North1596241300000
2Nick Mummert, St. Charles West32260020000
13Danny Myers, Duchesne40660400010
8Scott Naumann, St. Charles West15124282000020
10Johnny O'Mara, Duchesne101110323200000
4Ryan Orf, Duchesne18108284200000
3Sean Orlando, Holt646140100000
7Greg Pardo, Duchesne00000100000
17Josh Patrico, St. Charles00000500020
21Nathan Polta, St. Charles West00110000000
19Nick Pryor, Duchesne62371100010
11Ismael Quintanar, Warrenton1142100000000
17Paul Rebello, Duchesne10000200020
4Nick Ringling, Warrenton361512422000010
8Scott Rowland, Timberland51021200010
11Kyle Rudy, Duchesne00000200010
18Chris Schulte, Duchesne23061300000
14Zach Self, Holt562143000001
14J Shanahan, St. Charles10000000000
7Andrew Sherman, Warrenton00000000002
18Mickey Silger, Fort Zumwalt North10000300000
20Jake Skillington, Timberland200001000010
6Phil Stein, Holt10000000000
11Brandon Sudbrock, St. Charles094221100000
9Brad Sztukowski, Duchesne23390200000
23Blake Taylor, Holt20110000010
1Jason Taylor, Timberland00000001000
15Joe Tipton, Warrenton74081000000
2Andy Toebben, Warrenton63280000000
12Tim Toolen, Holt30000000000
12Justin Vierdag, Warrenton14110120000000
11Chris Walters, St. Charles West10000010000
2Keith Wickenhauser, Duchesne32040500000
16Craig Wideman, Warrenton11130000000
21Kyle Williams, Fort Zumwalt North00000401020
3Ben Wilson, Fort Zumwalt North875191700010
1Ryan Woolf, Warrenton2343111000000
4Nick Worley, St. Charles11240400010
16J Zahner, St. Charles00000100000
TEAM STATS, St. Charles2600000000316
TEAM STATS, Timberland1300000000019
TEAM STATS, Duchesne2000000000030
TEAM STATS, Warrenton100000000003
TEAM STATS, Holt180000000007
TEAM STATS, St. Charles West3500006000025
TEAM STATS, Fort Zumwalt North190000000005
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